

Current Employer:

Current Position: Casino Reviewer / Gambling Journalist

Working Since: 2021


Essential duties of a Casino Dealer are passing cards and gaming items, distributing payouts, confirming larger bets with floor managers, and interacting with customers.

Skills: Technical Skills, Process Management.

Previous Employment: Edgewater Casino


Paid winnings or collect losing bets as established by the rules and procedures of a specific game.

Compared these with players’ hands to determine winners, as in blackjack.

Exchanged paper currency for playing chips or coin money.

Checked to ensure that all players have placed bets before play begins.

Started and controlled games and gaming equipment, and announce winning numbers or colors.

Received, verified and recorded patrons’ cash wagers. Stood behind a gaming table and deal with the appropriate number of cards to each player.

Monitored gambling tables to ensure security of the game.

Education: Auburn University Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism-Sports Production

About me

My name is Sandra Bush and I have been working in the casino industry for approximately 10 years. I currently hold my Masters in Exercise Science as well as the advanced certifications NSCA CSCS and CISSN. Furthermore, I have personal experience in a wide range of sports from endurance racing to Strongman, Therefore, I am also able to write about training for these sports, give coverage of events, or produce papers on upcoming events.